110 in the Shade
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Tuesday, July 29, 2014
110 in the Shade...Tuesday (I think...)
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Opening Night!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Notes 07/22/2014
MUSIC: We are going to try and have some monitors set up by Thursday so that they can hear you. We also need to run each song for tempos and such on Thursday.
EVERYONE: Even though there isn't water in your buckets. Act like there is. If you need to, put water in a bucket and see how it feels.
CURRY MEN: Lizzie's coming home was great!
NOAH/LIZZIE: When you go to see Lizzie offer your hand, Lizzie brush it aside and give him a hug
STAGE CREW: Cut flower a little more it's upstaging Jimmy. It needs to be only a couple of inches above the pitcher.
STAGE CREW: Can someone stay stage left to be sure the curtain in the curry house stays closed
TIMOTHY/ABDUR: Timothy great projection, Abdur, so close, just a little louder.
NOAH/JIMMY: When H. C. says, "Come on boys quit it, settle down," get more rowdy before then
JIMMY: THANK YOU (for your reading up on the Larking around stuff)
JIMMY: That thing you do after "picnic ground." It was excellent.
FILE/CURRY MEN: Poker polka was great!
DOC MARTIN: Eric say the tail end of your lines as you're getting into place, so singing the hungry men is easier.
RONALD: David great preacher lines
BACKGROUND SINGERS: Utilize any miked people. Use their mics. Stand in a circle and sing together.
JIMMY/NOAH/H. C.: Lines before jimmy does the Lilly Anne Beasley stuff.
STARBUCK: Have to work out the being in the orchestra thing.
SAMANTHA: Great job.
STAGE CREW: Careful of stage left legs. Keep behind the periaktois
HANNAH: Jenny great straight arms and facial expressions in the dance.
STAGE CREW: How do we prevent the bench being left out
EVERYONE: When Starbuck says "deluge" everyone say "oooooo."
BELINDA: Shelby, great job on your line
STAGE CREW: Can we cover the Ludwig on the bass drum with white paper?
LIGHTS: (@ I-4-35) When Starbuck doles out jobs can the lights behind the traveler be off?
LIZZIE: You're on vocal rest until Thursday J Speedy recovery!
LIZZIE: Great first note on raunchy
LIZZIE: Great carrying on when your hair came down
STARBUCK: When Lizzie gives you the blanket and you take it to the wagon, take it upstage of her not downstage.
LIZZIE: Deep inside your eyes someone's face I see... Touch his face
EVERYONE: Well folks, we have a show! It was looking so good last night that I had a hard time stopping to take notes. There really aren't a lot of things left to do. I've talked to some of you about this already, but there are places where lines need to come faster, clearer and in the right order, so look over those. Keep working on tightening the flow and we'll be right as rain (pun intended).
YOUTH: We need to go over the tug-of-war with the orchestra on Thursday.
CINDERELLA KIDS: We need to go over this again with the orchestra on Thursday.
LIGHTS (SPOTS): Let's focus the iris a little more and make it smaller on each of them. Focus more on the faces.
EVERYONE: Please continue to be aware of where you are on stage and who you're near. Interact with them, stray from forming lines and arcs and so on…and try to be as natural as possible. ALWAYS project. You're probably never going to be as loud as you think you are! Also, bear in mind, when I say louder, I don't mean scream, I mean project!
Thank you all for the countless hours you put into working on this show.
Believe you me, we couldn't be here without you!
Practice makes perfect and please, continue to do so, especially during those times between weekends.
Also, everyone please stay positive and continue to work together to make sure things run smoothly. You're doing a fantastic job!
A big THANK YOU to our crew!!! YOU ROCK!!!
Did any of you who had people here tonight speak with your friends/family after the show? Did they notice anything? What were their thoughts?
As far as the audience last night…congrats! You received a standing ovation! As they were leaving, several weren't able to stand and said that they wish they could have because you deserved it. During the show, they laughed at a lot. There were some times when I was surprised by the laughter…but hey, we'll take it. Everything I heard was very positive. Great job you all!
Finally, if you still owe money for t-shirts or what have you, please get it in now. T-shirts can't be ordered until the money is all turned in. If you can't pay right now, let me know so I can plan accordingly.
Okay, that's it.
Have a great day off.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Notes 07/21/2014
Good morning everyone!
Thank you for your hard work and patience. I especially want to thank those of you who stayed until the bitter end. I know it wasn't easy but things needed to be done.
I really can't wait to see how things go tomorrow night, with an audience. They're going to LOVE this show!
Tomorrow night, get there as soon as you can and get in costume. Lots of things need to happen before we start tomorrow night. The theatre will be open as early as 6:30 pm, although it is entirely possible that It'll be open before that. I plan to head down there at some point and get some more things accomplished. We need to go over curtain call, which won't be difficult (need to keep it fairly simple because of the water). Then, those who have mics will need to do mic check. Then we need to run through some things with the orchestra. If we can, I'd like to run the tug-of-war at least once or twice. We can go over a few other things. If we can be finished by 7:30 pm great, but if we need to hold the house a little longer, we can do that too. Regardless, we MUST start no later than 8:00 p.m. tomorrow night.
Reminder: If you haven't brought money for lunch Sunday and/or your t-shirt, be sure to bring that tomorrow (or let me know why you need to play later-although, try to not do this if you can).
And now...your notes (read and reply letting me know that you've received and read the notes:
LIGHTS: (@ preshow) Can we set the house to be a fade? We can time it tomorrow night to be sure, but I the song (as it is on the CD) is 4:26. Also, can the sun effect remain brighter and be the last thing we see or do they all have to fade at the same time?
TOBY: When you come on and check your watch and stuff (other stage business), that looks great.
TO DO: Need lock latch on the tank
SARA: Melissa, you have great stage presence.
SNOOKIE: Great facial expressions
GESHY: Don't move your flask down on the brief unfreeze to sing, just away from your mouth.
STAGE CREW: Close traveler sooner.
LIZZIE: Give me a lump of sugar I'll whinny: Eat a small piece of chocolate? Just a suggestion.
TO DO: Straighten the home sweet home sign
LIGHTS: (@ 1-1-9) Lights don't dim until Lizzie is alone. Wait until the guys rush off.
TO DO: Fix the green curtain in the curry house
STAGE CREW: Practice the change after "Love Don't Turn Away."
YOUNG FOLK: Practice/Work on the tug of war
NOAH/H. C.: Come on a second sooner
JIMMY: Don't look back to see
JIMMY: Get up and slowly cross over the hc when you start talking about larking around
JIMMY: On "She didn't go to buy nothing turn out to the audience." Stay that way until after "I guess you're right pop." That way the audience sees your facial expressions.
NOAH: I guess you knew what happened to your line :)
FILE/NOAH/H. C./JIMMY: All of your numbers are looking great.
JIMMY: "He might even be at the picnic grounds," don't say that soft or the audience won't hear it.
JIMMY/FILE: The fight is looking better but please practice it over and over to get the fluidity right.
STAGE CREW/ANYONE: Anyone In a position to, please be sure the curtains in the house and files office are tight and closed and no red is showing.
STAGE CREW/EVERYONE: Make sure the legs aren't in front of the periaktois.
THE BAKER SISTERS: Try to be on either side of Lizzie and try not to turn upstage.
DOC BROWN: Your lines have to be faster and/or come faster.
COSTUMES: Can Ellie have a hat like Sara? Maybe swap? Not sure.
LIZZIE: Can you wear your hat during the beginning of the picnic? Take it off before you start getting things ready at the table.
JIMMY: Careful not to get too soft when you tell Lizzie how to act
STARBUCK: Don't take your hat off too soon.
STARBUCK: On "Nice shiner" ... Pause ... Then talk about the cattle
ANNA: Samantha, when Starbuck takes his hat off and acknowledges you, giggle before young back to SNOOKIE.
STARBUCK: "Comes from the sky," don't point up til you say sky
STARBUCK/MUSIC: Work the part after cumulonimbo. The ahhs
TO DO: Need a brake for the table one doesn't work.
EVERYONE: Until you dance, don't stand in front/block of Starbuck
STARBUCK: It looks more powerful as the end of a song if you don't take your hat off until the last note of the song.
STAGE CREW: What was wrong with the traveler after the rain song?
RONALC: David Smith, when you get to the Starbuck's wagon scene, hang out upstage of and stage right of snookie
NOAH: We got a mule back at the house delivery and timing were great.
STARBUCK: Can the last "let the rain come" be more falsetto?
STAGE CREW/KIDS of CINDERELLA: Once Starbuck is offstage, kids can come on before the wagon goes off.
STAGE CREW: The change after Cinderella needs to go a hair faster. They all could be faster. Maybe run all scene changes and try to tighten them.
JIMMY: Bring the blanket on around your shoulder…it'll be easier to wear the drum.
NOAH: Take a look at her ... Roam free ...the roam free half should be on stage left of Lizzie.
LIZZIE: Sigh before you ask H. C. if you can get lessons on being a woman
STAGE CREW/H. C.: Where is the folding chair?
LIZZIE: Faster on the jimmy hey jimmy.
FILE: Careful on widower. It sounded like widder
LIZZIE: The turn at the end of man and a woman was moving. Just a bit sooner during the end swell and it'll be perfect.
LIZZIE: Can you adjust yourself (for lack of better phrases at the moment) to help become Lilly Ann Beasley.
JIMMY: Hands out of your pockets
NOAH: Great on lines and exit before old maid
TO DO: Line wooden box with wax paper
EVERYONE: No tapping out the fire exit door please. We can hear you.
STAGE CREW: Curtain needs to open sooner while entracte is playing
LIGHTS: Can the star curtain be slightly dimmer throughout? With the exception of blackouts, I think it will be okay to leave the star curtain on throughout act 2. The Chinese lanterns can be done the same way.
LIZZIE/FILE/STARBUCK: Shannon has some tape for your mics at her stand
TO DO: Get new batteries.
STAGE CREW: (yes I know you were short staffed) After Simple little things table should be behind traveler and people need to be there.
FILE: What happened to your flashlight?
LIGHTS: (by 2-3-13) Before little red hat scene, could it be a tad brighter (like it is when file comes on (@ 2-3-20))
H. C./NOAH/JIMMY: Scene before little red hat. Guys go over those lines and try to make them go quicker
SNOOKIE: When you come on, don't upstage jimmy, stand SR of him.
JIMMY/SNOOKIE: Check your lyrics to little red hat; otherwise the number is really cute!!!
JIMMY/H. C.: Hold your lines for the applause after little red hat
LIGHTS: (@ 2-3-23) Scene after horsewhip line fast blackout
NOAH/H. C.: Please take your lanterns off when you exit?
STAGE CREW: When everyone is there I'm sure the table won't be there during that scene.
STARBUCK: "Are you plain, Lizzie?" Careful of that delivery
STARBUCK: It sounded like you said "Safe in my arm." Careful of the s at the end\
STARBUCK: No breath in the middle of beautiful.
STARBUCK/LIZZIE: Thought we settled on facing each other and intertwining fingers.
Jimmy don't let Noah upstage you. Everything that we went over the other day is looking AMAZING! Keep it up!
EVERYONE: If you're upstage, you really have to project.
LIZZIE: Make "I told you to run…if you hadn't been singing" faster
LIZZIE: Make "File let him go..." like a last effort of a lost cause.
STARBUCK: "Can't see anything past his badge" poke badge
NOAH: Noah you were fine with the swaying until the end; careful of the swaying.
TO DO: Hang USL Leg
TO DO: Mask the area of the props closet that can be seen from the audience (SL)
TO DO: Mask the light fixtures that are visible from the audience (look up)
TO DO: Paint the SR stair case black
TO DO: Sweep and mop the floor in front of the stage and touch up any places that need to be painted black.
TO DO: Paint the floor inside the doorway of The Curry House and File's Office
TO DO: Paint the third Periaktoi side
TO DO: Attach the scrim to the curtain and then hang it from the wire above and in back (near the bandstand)
TO DO: Finish cleaning the auditorium, to include vacuuming and so on.
TO DO: Look around and see if we are missing anything. Let's make this as perfect as we can. :)
That's it. Only one more night of notes from me and then the show is up and running. I'm so very excited about this! Let's do this!!!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Just something I found regarding Actors Etiquette
Theater Etiquette – How To Be A Great Actor
As a community theater, we encourage actors and actresses of all abilities and ages and backgrounds to take part in our plays, musicals and revues. So since not all of our thespians come to us with a strong familiarity with putting on a production, indeed for many, this is the first time that they've set foot on a stage, here are some tips on how to interact with your fellow actors, behave in and around the stage, and what to do if all else fails. Thanks to CommunityTheater.org and Actors' Equity for ideas from their lists of actor's etiquette: The Actor's Guide to Backstage Etiquette; Actors' Equity Actors' Etiquette. I found it on http://www.apacape.org/wp/2012/02/15/theater-etiquette/
So here, in no particular order:
- When you step off the stage, you vanish. Walk quietly backstage, in access corridors, up and down stairs, and everywhere in the theater. No talking or whispering off stage. No loud noise in the dressing room. Nothing ruins a scene more than the thumps of someone running to make a cue or someone talking in the wings.
- Once the house is open, stay off the stage and out of the theater. Don't mingle with a waiting audience; you have other things to keep you busy.
- Never talk when the director is talking!
- Never miss an entrance. Even if you don't remember your lines, get your body on to the stage so your fellow actor or actors at least have someone to talk to. They can coach you along if they have to. If you're not there, they might have to monologue or soliloquize and we definitely don't want that to happen!
- No mobile phones, especially in the wings! When you're waiting to enter or supporting the on-stage cast from the wings, the show deserves all of your attention. Put the phone away and save the texting and tweeting for after rehearsal or after the night's show.
- Accept all notes from the director graciously and say, "Thank you." Never disagree with the director in front of the cast and if you don't understand the note or disagree, ask the director for some one-on-one time to discuss.
- Never give other actors notes and don't accept them from other actors. If someone does offer you notes, say "Thank you but we should take that through the director." The only members of the production who should be giving notes are the director(s including Music and Choreography) and the stage manager. It's their job to make sure things look and sound the way they and the producers want, not yours. Constructive criticism among cast members is welcome, even encouraged in community theater since that's the way we learn our chops, but all changes to the production must go through the director.
- Never add something to or remove something from your costume. It's the costume designers job to put you in something appropriate for the show, not yours. If you have suggestions or problems with a part of your costume, take them to the costumer or the director.
- Don't hang out in the wings to watch the show. Backstage areas can be tight and crew and your fellow actors have to get to where they need to be. If you want to watch the show, buy a ticket or get the DVD. Hang out in the dressing room.
- Pay attention to the monitors so you know what's happening. There is no excuse for missing a cue. If you're not going on-stage for a while, be respectful of those who are: stay out of the way of costume changes, don't make so much noise that the other actors can't hear the monitors, and don't get in the way of travel corridors.
- Keep the dressing room neat and clean. You're going to be living here for a while and there's nothing more terrifying than losing a piece of your costume amid the mess, moments before you go on.
- When waiting in the wings for an entrance, watch your sight lines, that is the path between the audience and the stage. If you can see them, they can see you; and if you aren't in the scene, you shouldn't be in the scene!
- When entering and exiting, try to avoid brushing against scenery, backdrops, teasers and tormenters. Apart from breaking part of the set, all that motion can be seen by the audience and distracts them from the action on the stage.
- Tech rehearsals can be tough. Hang in while the crews fine-tune cues and equipment and remember that they control all the lights! Give them the respect they deserve while doing their jobs: pay attention, stay quiet, and be available as they jump from scene to scene.
- Pay attention to the stage manager. He or she will be telling you important stuff to keep the show running smoothly. And don't forget to thank the stage manager when he gives a call ("15 minutes!" "Thank you 15!"). That's so the stage manager knows that you heard the call and are ready to go.
- Never touch someone else's prop, even if you think it's out of place. They may have moved it there on purpose in order to help the flow of the show. Bring it to the attention of the stage manager if you think it's in the wrong location.
- Always check your props before curtain. Things happen, props get bumped or moved or crushed. It's also comforting to know that everything is where you expect it to be before the curtain goes up.
- Props don't belong to you, they belong to the theater. Treat them with respect and be sure to return them to their rightful locations after you've used them. If you'd like to practice with a prop at home, DON'T. Find an alternate or make arrangements with the director or stage manager to come in and rehearse at some other time.
- Unless you're doing improv, don't ad-lib. The authors and playwrights wrote the lines that way for a reason so if you want to mess around with the script, write your own play.
- Whether it's a rehearsal or production night, don't miss a call time. There's a very good reason that the director made a call for 6:00pm even if you don't know what it is. And if you're going to be late or miss a rehearsal, let the stage manager or director know as soon as possible so that they have plenty of time to make allowances.
- Always give your best! Whether it's a 1pm matinee with a house full of kids or an 8pm curtain in front of the reviewers, the audience paid to come see you become somebody else. There's no excuse for giving less than 100%! Focus!
- Always be respectful of everyone you work with: the staff, the crew, the directors, the designers, the other actors, and yourself!
Notes 07/20/2014
Before we get to the notes, I wanted to say THANK YOU! I appreciate everything you're doing to make this show great! I also want you to know that I appreciate you being so patient as we made it through today. I know it wasn't easy. I'm very excited to put it all together.
Sadly, tonight (Monday) we will not have the orchestra. I will try and edit the songs so that they are closer to how they will be with the orchestra. Just bear with me.
Some things to do:
1. If you ordered t-shirts, I need your money so that I can actually go and pay for the shirts.
2. If you have invited people to come and see the show on Tuesday, please let ME know how many and names. I'd like to make a list and I need to let the Karen know how many people to expect.
3. If you haven't paid Judy for lunch, please do so! BTW...wasn't that fantastic? THANK YOU Judy! You rock!
4. If you haven't already, turn in your scripts and music books to Shannon so that she can mark your name off of the list.
Please, when you're not on stage, continue to work on things relating to the show. Tappers, please run the tap over and over. Waltzers, Waltz when you can. Groups, work on your parts of numbers and so on. Just try to make it all as smooth as possible. You have no idea how beautiful it's looking and sounding and it's all because of your hard work. We're so close now, don't stop. Let's really knock these peoples' socks off!
I think that's it. As always, please reply to let me know that you've read. If you need to tell me something or have a question to ask, remember to reply to only me.
Notes 07/20/2014
FILE: Don't stand in front of the water tank while everyone's getting water. Acknowledge some people.
EVERYONE: FREEZE!!! There was movement during the freeze today.
HC/NOAH: Opening the Curry House: Don't start so soon, if possible and when you open it, remember to push the little section flat
NOAH: when you list the items that are there when Lizzie comes home imagine them taste them etc. Let the audience see it on your face.
LIZZIE: When you sit down, maybe smell the flower
EVERYONE: Careful of speaking too softly
STAGE CREW: When the curry house opens turn front (in front of the traveler) periaktois to black
SNOOKIE: You ready to take me to the picnic... On "you" point at him.
FILE: Files office remember to push the little section flat. Also, have your vest off during the files office scene.
NOAH: I didn't hear your spoken lines in Poker Polka
STAGE CREW/FILE If you just push the desk up and latch it stage crew can close it.
GUYS: Each night, take a little time to run your part of The Hungry Men.
LADIES: You look great in your hats.
THE BAKER SISTERS: Bring Lizzie downstage a step or two to say your lines and make sure you open up so that the audience can hear and see you.
EVERYONE: During the prayer, be sure to freeze
YOUNG FOLK: Be sure to go over the tug of war
NOAH: Double check the line about cattle
LIZZIE: When you say I think this man is crazy go upstage of Noah, but speak downstage to say it to him
STARBUCK: There's no pause between forty and leven
LADIES: Careful of slip showing. Can it be rolled at the top to make it shorter?
STAGE CREW: Umbrellas need to be up near the front of the wagon.
STAGE CREW: Close the traveler quicker as they travel to the wagon.
STARBUCK: On "Little buttoned up old ladies," Look Lizzie up and down then.
CROWD: On "How about the rest of you" make noise
BELINDA: you have to say your line louder or we won't be able to hear you and we wanna hear you.
BELINDA: Great on running up to starbuck then going back.
LIGHTS: Lights can we lose the upstage lights (behind traveler) as they travel to the wagon.
TO DO: Need to raise hanging mics
SOUND: Need to figure out why there's so much static in the monitors, see if any hanging mics work and so on.
TO DO: Need to fix the top of the white side of the periaktois and figure out what we'll do with the white side of the periaktois.
STAGE CREW: Scene change after Cinderella needs to go faster
JIMMY/SNOOKIE: When HC says that "you don't look so bright yourself..." Pass of the drum to snookie. Snookie look at Jimmy like he gave you a ring but put the drum on the table.
TO DO: Is it possible to straighten the decorative piece on the top of the house?
TO DO: Need to get one/two more brakes for the table
LIZZIE/HC: Get HC out of chair sooner so you can do the spin and dip in time with the music
LIZZIE: At the end of man and a woman, Lizzie during the swell of the music at the end, turn as though you think something will happen (which it won't).
NOAH(?): She ran off with him, don't emphasize him.
EVERYONE: Careful of volume. Keep it up rather than down. In other words, project!
HC: No! He's got to explain…this line was mixed up a little.
NOAH Don't emphasize the word "facts" and later don't emphasize the word "truth."
LIZZIE: No, I don't believe you pop. Something seemed off.
LIZZIE: Lizzie start singing old maid as you come on. At stage right and make your way to center
STAGE CREW: Close traveler sooner.
LIZZIE: When Starbuck sings melisande during Simple Little Things, Shake your head.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Greetings all!
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Notes from 07/17/2014
Howdy all! There were more notes, but we fixed most of them tonight. It's really starting to shape up. Please keep up the good work!!! And hopefully I'll see some of you in a few hours at work call!
FILE: Do not face upstage too much, if you can help it.
EVERYONE: Where was everyone for hungry men.
EVERYONE: Look over your music. If you have questions or need help, let us know. You have to be strong and confident in the notes you're singing. Believe it or not, without mics, you can still be heard. Specifically, I noticed that there were some shaky moments vocally in hungry men; that said, it ended on a pretty note.
SNOOKIE: Before the Rain Song, don't come on until Lizzie says that she thinks Starbuck is crazy.
HANNAH: Come up and get BELINDA a little sooner and pull her back.
WOMEN: Some of your undergarments are showing.
NOAH: "Where Snookie began and Jimmy left off..." Just spend less time with your face upstage, but that's what I was looking for! Thank you!
NOAH: Take a look at her, cross stage left, and then finish the line before going off. (sorry, I don't know which line…but I was taking notes in order of the action of the play, if that helps.)
LIGHTS. No red until she runs away.
STAGE CREW: Let's just go ahead and close the traveler every time the wagon is on.
???: "That's cause you don't know anything about her," x stage left of her to stop her.
STARBUCK: Out in the ocean away they go, maybe "row" a boat?
STARBUCK: Never be cold no more ... Melisande ... Melisande. On the first Melisande, kneel beside her. Indicate her
DOC MARTIN and NOAH: Be sure to clear the way so that Starbuck can be seen on the wagon.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Last Call
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Notes: 07-15-2014
EVERYONE: During the tap, I'd like people to be watching from the sides too.
MELISSA: Can you tuck your blouse in?
STAGE CREW: Need to mark where the wagon goes and where the periaktois go.
STARBUCK: After you sing melisande and then there's the musical flourish, do some kind of magical hand motions (think: dream sequence)
COSTUMES: Lizzie's blouse opens a little when she sits.
STARBUCK: The melisande fight is getting even better.
EVERYONE: This upcoming Tuesday, you can invite up to four people to come and see the show for free. But in order for them to come they have to let us know and they have to let elderly patrons have seating preference.
STAGE CREW: Glow tape the table position.
HANNAH: You need a lantern when you come on with Shelby.
JIMMY, NOAH, H. C.: The scene before little red hat needs to go a little faster.
SNOOKIE/JIMMY: When you sing little red hat don't look back always look out at the audience.
SNOOKIE: Make some noise when you do little red hat.
SNOOKIE/JIMMY: What happened to the new par kiss at the beginning of the song?
SNOOKIE: "On to me..." Do you want to try singing it down the octave instead?
JIMMY/SNOOKIE: When snookie leaves, Jimmy move both of you more Stage Left.
NOAH: Try not to sway so much overall.
NOAH: On "you want her out there with him" ... Point "out there".
EVERYONE: Careful of banging around backstage.
MUSIC: Cut some of the interlude in is it really me.
STARBUCK: No breath between beauti and ful. :)
STARBUCK/LIZZIE: Hold the kiss until the musical sting.
STAGE CREW: I think it'll be easier if we go ahead and close the curtain anytime the wagon is on.
COSTUME/LIZZIE: Thursday we need to work with Lizzie's hair.
STARBUCK: Less what's happening and more inquisitive... What's going on?
STARBUCK/FILE: On "Give the guy a chance..." Step up as though you're going to say something. File, stop him and cross to Jim
EVERYONE: Freeze while Lizzie, File and Starbuck sing their song.
H. C. When you go back put your arm on Starbucks shoulder as though to console him about Lizzie's choice.
EVERYONE: Freeze folks. Some waited and froze late.
FILE: Great business during another hot day.
JIMMY, NOAH, H. C. We need to re-work beginning of Lizzie's coming home.
EVERYONE/WORK CALL: This weekend we need to clean up in front of the stage.
NOAH: When Jimmy tries to run after Snookie, grab Jimmy by the overalls if you
have to in order to get him to stop.
JIMMY: Refer to my past notes and get up and cross over on the larking line.
JIMMY. Don't do the thumbs up.
STAGE CREW: Two periaktois didn't get turned.
GUYS: You weren't together on the first part of hungry men. Work together and clean that up please.
KIDS: You must stay still during the prayer.
EVERYONE: After Hungry Men, make noise as you're leaving. It's way too quiet there.
NOAH: How do you know she made a lemon cake?
JIMMY: Look up shingles, especially the part about symptoms. Use that for when you mention shingles in your line.
JIMMY: No axed.
EVERYONE: Stage whispers aren't really whispers.
NOAH/LIZZIE: "When did you bring rain." "What town? What state?" Both take a step or two down stage right.
When Jimmy says, "You mean it," look over at him.
STAGE CREW: Assign someone to move the table during the rain song.
STARBUCK: On "And a hundred dollars is all you gotta give..." Go around the crowd asking for money.
LIGHTS: Need a spotlight on Starbuck during
LIGHTS: When Starbuck takes everyone to his wagon, can the light I'm files office (at the brick) go down?
EVERYONE: Be sure to be downstage of the traveler when it closes (as Starbuck takes you to his wagon).
WORK CALL: Can we make a cover for the front of the wagon to mask the wagons real wheels.
NOAH: As you come, rub where you're sore from the kick.
NOAH: "What the devil for," Stop. Look back at Jimmy, then back out front to say the line.
JIMMY: When you say no thanks and leave, just go off stage right. Don't go around the periaktoi.
EVERYONE: Let me know if any of you have access to a long squeegee. Also if you said you had a shop vac bring it. Also, if you have a wide attachment for shop vacs, bring it.
H. C.: Why did we revert to the different chair again?
JIMMY: Project. Especially when you enter to find File and Lizzie alone.