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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Notes 07/22/2014


MUSIC: We are going to try and have some monitors set up by Thursday so that they can hear you. We also need to run each song for tempos and such on Thursday.

EVERYONE: Even though there isn't water in your buckets. Act like there is. If you need to, put water in a bucket and see how it feels.

CURRY MEN: Lizzie's coming home was great!

NOAH/LIZZIE: When you go to see Lizzie offer your hand, Lizzie brush it aside and give him a hug

STAGE CREW: Cut flower a little more it's upstaging Jimmy. It needs to be only a couple of inches above the pitcher.

STAGE CREW: Can someone stay stage left to be sure the curtain in the curry house stays closed

TIMOTHY/ABDUR: Timothy great projection, Abdur, so close, just a little louder.

NOAH/JIMMY: When H. C. says, "Come on boys quit it, settle down," get more rowdy before then

JIMMY: THANK YOU (for your reading up on the Larking around stuff)

JIMMY: That thing you do after "picnic ground." It was excellent.

FILE/CURRY MEN: Poker polka was great!

DOC MARTIN: Eric say the tail end of your lines as you're getting into place, so singing the hungry men is easier.

RONALD: David great preacher lines

BACKGROUND SINGERS: Utilize any miked people. Use their mics. Stand in a circle and sing together.

JIMMY/NOAH/H. C.: Lines before jimmy does the Lilly Anne Beasley stuff.

STARBUCK: Have to work out the being in the orchestra thing.

SAMANTHA: Great job.

STAGE CREW: Careful of stage left legs. Keep behind the periaktois

HANNAH: Jenny great straight arms and facial expressions in the dance.

STAGE CREW: How do we prevent the bench being left out

EVERYONE: When Starbuck says "deluge" everyone say "oooooo."

BELINDA: Shelby, great job on your line

STAGE CREW: Can we cover the Ludwig on the bass drum with white paper?

LIGHTS: (@ I-4-35) When Starbuck doles out jobs can the lights behind the traveler be off?

LIZZIE: You're on vocal rest until Thursday J Speedy recovery!

LIZZIE: Great first note on raunchy

LIZZIE: Great carrying on when your hair came down

STARBUCK: When Lizzie gives you the blanket and you take it to the wagon, take it upstage of her not downstage.

LIZZIE: Deep inside your eyes someone's face I see... Touch his face

EVERYONE: Well folks, we have a show! It was looking so good last night that I had a hard time stopping to take notes. There really aren't a lot of things left to do. I've talked to some of you about this already, but there are places where lines need to come faster, clearer and in the right order, so look over those. Keep working on tightening the flow and we'll be right as rain (pun intended).

YOUTH: We need to go over the tug-of-war with the orchestra on Thursday.

CINDERELLA KIDS: We need to go over this again with the orchestra on Thursday.

LIGHTS (SPOTS): Let's focus the iris a little more and make it smaller on each of them. Focus more on the faces.

EVERYONE: Please continue to be aware of where you are on stage and who you're near. Interact with them, stray from forming lines and arcs and so on…and try to be as natural as possible. ALWAYS project. You're probably never going to be as loud as you think you are! Also, bear in mind, when I say louder, I don't mean scream, I mean project!

Thank you all for the countless hours you put into working on this show. 

Believe you me, we couldn't be here without you!

Practice makes perfect and please, continue to do so, especially during those times between weekends.

Also, everyone please stay positive and continue to work together to make sure things run smoothly. You're doing a fantastic job!

A big THANK YOU to our crew!!! YOU ROCK!!!

Did any of you who had people here tonight speak with your friends/family after the show? Did they notice anything? What were their thoughts?

As far as the audience last night…congrats! You received a standing ovation! As they were leaving, several weren't able to stand and said that they wish they could have because you deserved it. During the show, they laughed at a lot. There were some times when I was surprised by the laughter…but hey, we'll take it. Everything I heard was very positive. Great job you all!

Finally, if you still owe money for t-shirts or what have you, please get it in now. T-shirts can't be ordered until the money is all turned in. If you can't pay right now, let me know so I can plan accordingly. 

Okay, that's it.

Have a great day off. 

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