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Conflicts Calendar

110 in the Shade Bio Form

Female Costume Measurement Form

Male Costume Measurement Form


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Reminder and Next Week

This is just to remind you that you DO NOT have rehearsal Monday, May 26, 2014, since it is a holiday. 

Instead, we will have rehearsal on Tuesday, May 27, Wednesday, May 28, and Thursday, May 29. 

This week we will block and learn choreography for "Another Hot Day" and "The Hungry Men." If we have time, we will also work on "The Rain Song." Look over all of these songs and be ready. 

Just a quick note about Choreography. Please come to rehearsal and give it your best try. While some people will have lots of things to do Choreography-wise, not everyone will be required to dance full-out. So, don't be intimidated about the word Choreography, Monique is an excellent Choreographer and will help you all. She has also done a great job of putting something into the Choreography for everyone. Some of the numbers are basically mostly upper body movements, so for those of you who may not be able to move...there is nothing to fear. Just try it! 

Thank you all for the character breakdowns, you're really thinking about it and it shows. If you haven't submitted yours, please do. 



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