110 Logo

110 Logo


Conflicts Calendar

110 in the Shade Bio Form

Female Costume Measurement Form

Male Costume Measurement Form


Friday, May 30, 2014

Updates 05/30/2014

A few things...attached to this e-mail, you will find an updated (though still subject to be changed) schedule. PLEASE be sure to look over it and note the dates. I have also included the dates when we the times will change. For instance, at one point, we will move to a 7:00 - 10:00 schedule and then closer to performance time, we will move to a 7:00 - 11:00 schedule. Obviously, the goal is to get in and out as quickly as possible, while making the most of our time there...so it's entirely possible that we won't need to stay until 11:00 pm. As I noted in a previous e-mail, we are also rehearsing on two Sunday afternoons, so be sure to note those as well. The week of July 4th, we will only rehearsal Monday and Tuesday. You can look over the calendar for more. 

Also attached to the e-mail will be another list of who's in what scene/song and who says what. Let me know ASAP if you have any questions. Please work to have your lines as memorized as humanly possible by the time we get into blocking. You'll still get to use your book, but it'll go much smoother if you don't have to. 

Below, you will find a rough list of props that are needed for the show. Look around your house, ask your parents/grandparents if they have anything that might work for the show. We are decorating the lobby to look as 1930's as the stage will, so some of these items won't be on stage, but displayed in the lobby. Please be sure to mark anything you bring with your name so that we know who it returns to! 


Water containers (Pails, pitchers, bowls, etc…)

HC gives a box of chocolates to Lizzie

Picnic baskets, blankets, cake plates/containers, drinks, fruit (fake or real) etc…

File brings ripped shirt to be mended and sewing paraphernalia

Lizzie enters carrying a picnic basket and homemade lemon cake

Lizzie enters carrying file's chair

Weighted bandana thrown from ???

Bass Drum (given to Jim)

Divining rod (Starbuck)

$100 (Noah)

white wash (bucket and brush) for HC

Jim has a blanket he throws down here

Lizzie carries blanket Jim meant for Starbuck

Belinda is riding on Hanna's bag/WAGON

Jim smokes a big cigar, has a spare one in his pocket and has Snookie's red hat in his back pocket

Jim pulls another cigar from his pocket

Wanted circular (need many as one is in File's office as a set prop)

Thank you for working so hard on your own, at home and so on. It means a lot and in the long run, it's going to pay off when the audiences rave about your spot on performances...and they will rave! Please keep up the momentum and the hard work! 




Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A few brief items... 05/27/2014

I didn't list it in my e-mail, but we are going to go over Poker Polka and Lizzie's Comin' Home and possibly Little Red Hat with Gloria.  

Those of you who will be there for Choreography today...be sure to wear comfortable clothes and NO FLIP FLOPS! :) Maybe not today, but maybe soon, you may also want to start wearing shoes similar to those you will be wearing in the show. Women, you'll definitely want to start dancing in skirts to get used to the feel and, in some cases, restriction of wearing a skirt. 

Although the list is getting smaller each day, I still need bios from the following:
Amaris Grant
David Azzarello
Shelby Brown
Jerrell Melton III
Dalten Muller
Ray Muller
D'Monica Stephens
Abdur Thomas
Warren Ward



Saturday, May 24, 2014

Reminder and Next Week

This is just to remind you that you DO NOT have rehearsal Monday, May 26, 2014, since it is a holiday. 

Instead, we will have rehearsal on Tuesday, May 27, Wednesday, May 28, and Thursday, May 29. 

This week we will block and learn choreography for "Another Hot Day" and "The Hungry Men." If we have time, we will also work on "The Rain Song." Look over all of these songs and be ready. 

Just a quick note about Choreography. Please come to rehearsal and give it your best try. While some people will have lots of things to do Choreography-wise, not everyone will be required to dance full-out. So, don't be intimidated about the word Choreography, Monique is an excellent Choreographer and will help you all. She has also done a great job of putting something into the Choreography for everyone. Some of the numbers are basically mostly upper body movements, so for those of you who may not be able to move...there is nothing to fear. Just try it! 

Thank you all for the character breakdowns, you're really thinking about it and it shows. If you haven't submitted yours, please do. 



Thursday, May 22, 2014

Updates and other things to know... 05/21/2014

First, I want to say THANK YOU to everyone for the beautiful music you were making at the rehearsal on Tuesday. It was great to hear it coming together. Still a ways to go, but I really think that this will be an amazing show that will go down in STG history. 

Now for the fun part: 

I need (program) bios from the following: 
Anne Eidson
Amaris Grant
David Azzarello
Shelby Brown
Jerrell Melton III
Cherish Muller
Dalten Muller
Ray Muller
D'Monica Stephens
Abdur Thomas
Zoe Vaughan
Warren Ward
David Smith

I need character studies and/or names from all but a handful of people. BTW...these folks have turned in some really awesome character studies. Full, rich backgrounds that I feel will probably really help them with developing their characters. Some of you have told me your names and they're wonderful, and each have great meaning. Be sure to send me your names (first and last if possible, but not required). Please take this seriously.

This Saturday is the first work call and we'll need as many people there as possible. Not limited to, but especially those who can lift some weight. We need to try and move the thrust. I'll have DD Doughnut holes. It starts at 10:00 a.m. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try to come to at least one; more if possible. Let's make them as fun as we possibly can!!! And as I like to say (probably incorrectly)... many hands make light work! :) 

It has changed a week bit. I added two rehearsals in July and cancelled the Wednesday (week of July 4) rehearsal. I will have a more specific blocking and run through rehearsal schedule this by next week. I'll send an e-mail/post it to the blog so you can look it over. Please stay on top of the calendar.

Conflicts are due tomorrow. :)

If you haven't submitted a measurement chart, please do so. The online form is available and VERY easy to use. Lisa Marie and Shannon would like to get those by tomorrow evening, if at all possible. 

I can't stress enough how important it is that you are going over your lines and songs (lyrics, music) as much as you can at home. Ideally, I would like you to be off book sooner rather than later. If this could be achieved by blocking, this would make me the happiest director in the world! 

That's it for now. Are there any questions, comments or concerns? Let me know! 



Saturday, May 17, 2014

Announcement, Quiz, and Next Week...!


The Nerd is closing this weekend. If you have the opportunity to see it, you should! It's a great show! VERY funny! 

Also, this weekend, The Nerd set will come down. If you can, swing by and help us take it down. Paraphrasing here, but... "Many hands make light work." 

Bios are due on Thursday, May 23, 2014. Have you submitted/turned yours in yet?

If you haven't filled out/returned your costume form, please do so now and return those to Me, Shannon or Lisa Marie ASAP. We need to get going with the costumes since they will be due before we know it. The forms are attached so that you can fill them in and either print them and return then in person or e-mail the completed form to us. I have also put them on the blog in case you want to fill them out that way. 

QUIZ (You may want to do this on the computer and not your phone):

1.       Where can you find the answers to these questions?

2.       What does MAT stand for?

3.       What are the dates of the photo shoot?

4.       What is the deadline for giving us your conflicts?

5.       What song will feature the young townsfolk?

6.       What time will the May 20th rehearsal begin?

7.       Who is taking our headshots/publicity shots?

8.       In which order should you call us about being late?

9.       What is the name of the file sharing program used to share things with you?

10.   What time does work call begin? Which day(s)?

11.   What should you never wear to a choreography rehearsal?

12.   What does M: stand for? C:? DVS:?


Monday, May 19, 2014: M: Review of Chorus numbers

Tuesday, May 20, 2014: M: Review of Chorus numbers with David

Thursday, May 22, 2014: M: Cinderella/Lizzie; C: Cinderella/Lizzie (not necessarily in this order)


Questions? Comments? Concerns?

THANK YOU for working so hard to learn your music both IN rehearsal and OUT!



Thursday, May 15, 2014

Fwd: Townspeople Lines

Attached to the e-mail (posted later on the blog) is a word file with Townspeople lines divvied up. It was not easy but I think I've given something to everyone. There are a few more lines to give out, to men who join our show. Unfortunately they just aren't lines other woman or children can say based on tone. 

A few other notes: 

Great job in rehearsal last night. You're sounding wonderful! Don't forget to work on your own outside of rehearsal so that we have to spend less time during rehearsal and we can focus on other things. 

Who noticed that I've moved the calendar(s) and bio form to the top of the blog rather than keeping them at the bottom? :) Also, who noticed that you can print the calendars? At the top right corner of the calendar you can select print. You have to print each month separately. I don't know of a way to print all pages at one time. 

A few more bios have come in. Thank you to those of you who have submitted your personal bio for the program. Just in case you're wondering what to put in your bio... you should tell us who you are, what you do, hobbies, etc... and then list your past theatrical credits (if any). You should also let us know if you have anyone to thank. Please keep it under 100 words and use third person. In other words, don't say, "I am a director" or "My dream is to direct professionally." Instead, say, "Jared is a director" or "His dream is to direct professionally." 

We are now a MAT Award hopeful show. If you don't know what the MAT Awards are, check out this website: http://matawards.com/

The final deadline to give us conflicts is next Thursday, May 22, 2014. I initially said that you had until next Friday, but we actually rehearse on Thursday, so it would be easier if you could tell us then so we can add your conflict to the calendar. Remember, PLEASE do not book anything over the weekend of June 21-22. This is when we will do headshots and major publicity shots. Speaking of, this may not happen in Serenbe, but nearby the area. They charge a minimum of $100 for people to photograph shows there. 

That's all I can think of right now. Stay tuned in case I think of anything else. 




Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Notes: 05/13/2014

Thank you to everyone who was there and sang pretty. Great first rehearsal. For all music and choreography (and eventually blocking)...when we go over something in rehearsal, look over it and come back to the next rehearsal with it memorized. The sooner you do this, the easier this will be for you. 

Also...good job on "Little Red Hat." It's already coming together nicely. My suggestion for you two is to rehearse singing your song over and over while climbing stairs (or better yet, while doing your choreography). The more you do this the easier it will be to breathe and sing at the same time.

NOTE: I watched the playback of the videos for "Little Red Hat" choreography and while they were going over the choreography, some of you were talking behind them, walking in front of their way, blocking the camera, etc... that is considered rude and Monique has my blessing to say something to you in the future. Please DO NOT be a disruption in any of the rehearsal areas. 

The younger townspeople (kids)... you are going to be featured in "Cinderella"; therefore, you will ONLY be required to be there for "Cinderella." You DO NOT need to come to music/choreography rehearsal for any other number. I don't mind if you come to see how things are going, but you are not required. So to recap, until run throughs, the only rehearsals you need to attend are those for the song "Cinderella." That said, if you have lines, please have those memorized by the time you come back for the run throughs. Also, please go over "Cinderella" while you are not at the theatre as well. As for lines, I will try to have those handed out this week. I'll post a list. 

How are your character studies coming? Remember, I want you to come up with a good back story for your character. Some of you will also need to come up with a name. I need those by blocking/run throughs please. 

I think that's all for now. I hope to see you Wednesday when we will review what we've learned (you've memorized) and we'll work on "The Rain Song." 


Sunday, May 11, 2014

A few more things...

Please note that we are changing the start time of the Tuesday, May 20, 2014 rehearsal from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please DO NOT freak out. :) We are asking everyone who can be there at 6:00 p.m. to be there. We are trying to buy ourselves plenty of time to work with David who will be there that day to play accompaniment for us while Gloria runs the cast through the songs we've covered up to that point. Please let us know ASAP if you CAN or can NOT be there by 6:00 p.m. 

You will have noticed the Bio Form on the blog. Please fill it out ASAP. You can access it here as well: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uW14gGq7wQYsNMaBh288jwgerVCELR3xa8tney9GNPU/viewform

If you are completing the form for a family, you may need to click on the link each time in order to get to a fresh, blank form to fill out.

So that I know you are reading this e-mail or the blog, please reply with the following answers: 

1. Favorite Color
2. Favorite Snack Food
3. Favorite Song(s) and/or Artist(s) (list as many as you'd like) 
4. What's your favorite song(s) in the show? Why?


STG - 110 - Song list

For now, unless you are File, Starbuck, Lizzie, H. C., Jim(my), or Noah, you are considered Chorus. Please be there anytime Chorus is listed. This may change once we get into rehearsals. 

Alternately, File, Starbuck, Lizzie, H. C., Jim(my) and Noah, please feel free to learn the Chorus songs too, because we will need a full sound coming from offstage as well. Obviously, you wouldn't need to learn songs that conflict with before, after and/or during the times that you are on stage.  



0.       Overture                                                                                       Orchestra

1.       Opening – Another Hot Day                           File, Toby and Chorus

2.       Train Whistle                                                                              Orchestra

3.       Lizzie's Comin' Home                                             H. C., Noah and Jim

4.       Love Don't Turn Away                                                                     Lizzie

4a.     Opening Scene 2                                                                    Chorus Men

5.       The Poker Polka                                                 Jim, Noah, H. C., & File

6.       The Hungry Men                                                        Lizzie and Chorus

6a.     Starbuck's Entrance                                                                 Orchestra

7.       The Rain Song                                                       Starbuck and Chorus

8.       You're Not Foolin' Me                                           Lizzie and Starbuck

9.       Cinderella                                                                  Lizzie and Children

10.     Raunchy                                                                             Lizzie and H. C.

11.     A Man and a Woman                                                      Lizzie and File

12.     Old Maid – Finale Act One                                                             Lizzie



13.     Entr'acte                                                                                      Orchestra

14.     Everything Beautiful Happens at Night                                Chorus

15.     Everything Beautiful Happens at Night – Dance               Chorus

15a.   End of Scene – Playoff                                                             Orchestra

16.     Melisande                                                                                      Starbuck

17.     Simple Little Things                                             Lizzie and Starbuck

17a.   Incidental (Kiss Music)                                                          Orchestra

17b.   Incidental #2 (Change of Scene)                                        Orchestra

18.     Little Red Hat                                                                Snookie and Jim

19.     Change of Scene                                                                        Orchestra

20.     Is It Really Me?                                                       Lizzie and Starbuck

20a.   End Scene 4                                                                                Orchestra

21.     Wonderful Music                                         Lizzie, File and Starbuck

22.     Finale Act Two (Reprise: Rain Song)        Principals and Chorus

23.     Curtain Music                                                                             Orchestra

24.     Exit Music                                                                                    Orchestra

Friday, May 9, 2014

STG - 110 in the Shade - Some things to be aware of... Please read the entire e-mail!

NOTE: If you are receiving this e-mail and have decided to NOT do the show with us this summer, please let me know so that you will not receive further e-mails from us. - Thank You!

Greetings, My Awesome Cast!

The calendar has been updated. The calendar now reflects the Music/Choreography line up. This is a tentative schedule and is subject to change. We will give you advanced notice of any changes. Monday is accurate, so we will see all of you who are in "Another Hot Day", "The Hungry Men", and "Little Red Hat" then (those of you who gave us your conflicts, we know who you are).

Those of you who were there last night gave me additional conflicts. We have a conflicts calendar and will keep that updated so that we know when you will or will not be at rehearsal. If you were not there, please provide any new dates that you may have run across. You have until next week to give us conflicts. It's too difficult to plan things not knowing who'll be there and who won't, so this is important.

Obviously, things come up or the unexpected happens…which is fine, but be very open with us and let us know ASAP. It is not only rude to us but to your fellow actors if we have to run around trying to figure out where you are if you're supposed to be there.  Destinee, Shannon and I gave out our phone numbers so that you could text us your name. This way, we know who's calling us to tell us that they're running late. Please call or text Destinee or Shannon first and then me.

Just in case:
·         Shannon: 678-825-7085
·         Destinee: 770-508-9030
·         Jared: 678-491-4582

My cousin, Samantha Evans, will be taking the headshots for this show. She previously took headshots of my Crazy for You cast and does extremely high quality work. She will also be taking publicity shots for the show. Samantha's photography Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/samanthaevansphotography

I want to have headshots taken in costume. They will have a vintage photo look to them.

Right now, the only weekend that we have everyone/no conflicts is June 21/22. This will be a two-day process, but not everyone will be required for both days.

The photos will be taken at Serenbe, which if you have never been there, you'll love it. There are places to eat and lots of sights to see.

Serenbe's address:
10950 Hutcheson Ferry Rd
Palmetto, GA
(770) 463-2610

It is imperative to pay attention during rehearsal and work hard while there, but it is equally important that you find time when you aren't at rehearsal to work on your lines, songs, choreography. That said, I am including a link to the soundtrack that is the MOST similar to the actual score of a show that I have ever come across.

Download it and start listening to it. Also, when you come to rehearsal bring something to record what you do in rehearsal so that you can use that to practice as well. There is only so much we can do during rehearsal to make this show as amazing as it can be.  

Please do your best to come to blocking with as much of your scripts/songs/choreography memorized as possible.

I want everyone in the show to have a name and a personality. If you have already been given a name, it was because it was mentioned in the script or by the rights holders, so you have to keep that name, but this is a great opportunity to become someone other than "Man 1" or "Woman 2". To help you with this, I have found this list of popular baby names of 1936: http://www.weddingvendors.com/baby-names/popular/1936/
If you don't currently have a name in the show, please come up with a first and last name. Either way, please also come up with a background for your character. This goes for everyone. Read up on the time period and if you know anything about your character read up on them as well. While I want you to have fun with this, please remember when and where this show is set and don't come back with ludicrous backgrounds.

Work calls are generally every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. until somewhere between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. While no one is ever required to be there, we want to impress upon you that this is a community production and the true spirit of community is that we all work together to build the show…sets included. I also want to mention that this is an all-volunteer organization where none of us are getting paid to build the set or paint it or decorate it or gather props, costumes, etc…

The books we handed out the other day aren't ours to keep, so please only use pencils. If your book is torn up or not returned, you will be charged for the books and they aren't cheap. Even in the condition we received them in, they are still roughly around $30.00 per book.

I would prefer that everyone bring a pencil to rehearsals, rather than pens. It would also be very helpful to have something to write on. I must insist that everyone writes down what I say during blocking (only those things that pertain to you). It's insulting to me to go through blocking only to realize that the actor hadn't written anything down and then wants to come and ask where they need to go. Please don't be that person. Also be sure to go over the material we are rehearsing that  night before you get there or while you're waiting for rehearsal to begin.

Please never wear flip flops to rehearsal. Or rather, if you wear them TO rehearsal, have another pair of well fitting, yet comfortable shoes that you can change into. This especially goes for Choreography and Blocking rehearsals. I've seen way too many accidents happen to people dancing while wearing flip flips at rehearsal. Ideally, once we have an idea of which shoes you will be wearing for the show, you should wear those, so that you will be used to the feeling of the shoes early on.
Since all women and girls will be wearing dresses for the show, the sooner you start wearing rehearsal skirts the better. You really don't know the limitations of your costumes until  

Everyone's time is valuable and we are all committed to making sure that no one's time is wasted. Obviously this can't be helped. Please be patient, but also, do your part. If you're not being utilized on stage, please get with other actors to run choreography, lines, and songs.

I want everyone to have fun this summer and I certainly don't mind your talking and during rehearsal, but you really must keep it quiet in any of the areas where rehearsals are going on and you must be aware and not miss entrances/cues/etc…you will all be a part of moving things on and off stage and to different places around the stage, so you have to remain aware.


My Spotify 110 in the Shade link: 110 in the Shade

Anytime you want to refer to rehearsals or STG, please use the following hashtags (and feel free to make up your own in addition to these): #stgplays and #110atSTG
The calendar will be updated today. Stay posted to see the changes.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

110 in the Shade Cast List

Presenting the cast list for:

110 in the Shade

Lizzie Curry...................Rachael Levi
Bill Starbuck..................Patrick Hill
Jimmy Curry..................Jerrell Melton III
Noah Curry....................Scott Vaughan
H. C. Curry....................Thom Grindle
File.................................David Azzarello
Snookie Updegraff.........Harvee White
Toby...............................Ray Muller
Geshy Toops .................Andrew Miller
Mrs. Jensen....................Jill Lucas
George Demby...............Abdur Thomas
Freddie Demby..............Timothy Villalovas
Hannah..........................Jenny Hall
Belinda...........................Shelby Brown
Olive Barrow.................Bree Derbecker
Maurine Toops...............D’Monica Stephens
Ellie Jones......................Zoe Vaughan
Tommy...........................Seth Moan
Towns People.................Susan Johnson, Cherish Muller, 
.......................................Anne Eidson, Louisa Grant,
.......................................Linda Cochran  
Towns Children..............Samantha Mosley, Amaris Grant, .......................................HannahFranchesca Samuel, 
.......................................Bailey Doxey, Dalten Muller