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Conflicts Calendar

110 in the Shade Bio Form

Female Costume Measurement Form

Male Costume Measurement Form


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Announcement, Quiz, and Next Week...!


The Nerd is closing this weekend. If you have the opportunity to see it, you should! It's a great show! VERY funny! 

Also, this weekend, The Nerd set will come down. If you can, swing by and help us take it down. Paraphrasing here, but... "Many hands make light work." 

Bios are due on Thursday, May 23, 2014. Have you submitted/turned yours in yet?

If you haven't filled out/returned your costume form, please do so now and return those to Me, Shannon or Lisa Marie ASAP. We need to get going with the costumes since they will be due before we know it. The forms are attached so that you can fill them in and either print them and return then in person or e-mail the completed form to us. I have also put them on the blog in case you want to fill them out that way. 

QUIZ (You may want to do this on the computer and not your phone):

1.       Where can you find the answers to these questions?

2.       What does MAT stand for?

3.       What are the dates of the photo shoot?

4.       What is the deadline for giving us your conflicts?

5.       What song will feature the young townsfolk?

6.       What time will the May 20th rehearsal begin?

7.       Who is taking our headshots/publicity shots?

8.       In which order should you call us about being late?

9.       What is the name of the file sharing program used to share things with you?

10.   What time does work call begin? Which day(s)?

11.   What should you never wear to a choreography rehearsal?

12.   What does M: stand for? C:? DVS:?


Monday, May 19, 2014: M: Review of Chorus numbers

Tuesday, May 20, 2014: M: Review of Chorus numbers with David

Thursday, May 22, 2014: M: Cinderella/Lizzie; C: Cinderella/Lizzie (not necessarily in this order)


Questions? Comments? Concerns?

THANK YOU for working so hard to learn your music both IN rehearsal and OUT!



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