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110 in the Shade Bio Form

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

110 in the Shade - Notes 06/24/2014

I just wanted to give you an update. 

Blocking is going well. Tomorrow night we will start Act II. 

Before we begin Act II; however, I would like to quickly run through Act I, introducing the Ensemble, those who are there. We will perform the numbers that include the Ensemble, but we will NOT run through full songs for the leads. Once we are finished, the Ensemble will either go back out with Gloria to work on music some more or you'll work on the dances... You could also spend time working on characterization, perform your lines for each other and see if you're being expressive enough, think about each of the times that you're on stage and see if you're utilizing your characterizations to the best of your ability...that sort of thing. 

My intention this week, having the Ensemble working with Gloria, is to get you really confident in your singing, make sure you're off book and that you're singing the right notes and lyrics, etc... If you are at all unsure of ANY part of your songs, this is the time to speak with Gloria about it; get clarification.

That said, I appreciate each and every one of you and how hard you are working. I say it a lot, to the point of being annoying I'm sure, but... this is going to be a STELLAR show and it's because of you! 

Now that I've said THAT...I'll point out that we open in exactly one month. Who's excited???

WORK CALL: we will have a work call THIS Saturday, June, 28, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 - 4:00 - 6:00 ish... send your builders so that we can get some stuff finished... we have a few small things and then we have the band stand and the gypsy wagon to finish. 

Also, bear in mind, that the work call following the 4th of July: Saturday, July 5, 2014, we will need (among other talented folks) rafter crawlers (people who don't mind heights and crawling around our rafters-waivers must be signed) to help us with light and sound things. Keep that in mind if you're around then. 

T-SHIRTS: If you haven't let me know your size (which indicates that you DO want a t-shirt, also consider just telling me that you DON'T want a t-shirt, if that's the case) please do so soon. I have to know exact numbers when I speak with the company about ordering them. I will also have color samples soon...to choose from. 

Finally, when you reply to this e-mail letting me know that you've read it, let me know if you are interested in a Wednesday night choreography rehearsal. Bear in mind that we are also doing a Thursday, June 25, 2014 (this week), Monday, June 30, 2014 (next week) and Tuesday, July 1, 2014 (also next week) choreography rehearsal prior to our being off until Monday, July 7, 2014.



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