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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Re: Hello to My Favorite 110 in the Shade Cast Ever!:)

One more thing for clarification sake. Check the calendar. We aren't only doing Opening Scene 2. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 11, 2014, at 12:12 AM, Jared Wright <stgec75@gmail.com> wrote:

Just to be clear...Tomorrow is Opening Scene 2 and contains all youth in the show (20-ish and under)...this includes the kids if they want to participate. It probably won't be difficult, so if you can't make it tomorrow, no worries. 

Everyone PLEASE be sure you're reading your e-mails/checking the blog DAILY!!! 

Also, if you have questions, please ASK... I'm not a mind reader. :) 

Only some of you have replied about the character names, tap shoes, t-shirts and such...and some haven't. Regardless of whether you are tapping or not...you need to let me know your character name and your t-shirt size. I won't know how much the t-shirts will be until I know how many we have ordering them.

I think that's it...

Thank you!


On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 11:22 PM, Jared Wright <stgec75@gmail.com> wrote:
I hope you are all well! 

For those of you who were there tonight: I am so proud of you (okay, I'm proud of all of you and the hard work you're putting into your characters and this show)!!! Excellent job! Keep practicing at home and when you have down time at the theatre and I guarantee that we are going to knock the audiences' socks off. Also, as you learn the moves, continue to sing out and say your lines when you have them in the songs. 

Speaking of lines, they should be memorized by now. Leads, I'll give you a few more days, but everyone else, I think it will all fall into place during the read through. 

Also, if you weren't there tonight, I need the following information from you. Please reply to this e-mail with the following information (serious answers only please): 

1. Name 
2. Character name (BTW: Your character analysis is due by Monday, June 16.) Now that we've gone through choreography and you've learned the songs, please try and add some info about how your character fits into the songs. What are you doing before the song, where are you going afterwards?
3. Do you need tap shoes/what is your street size
4. What is your t-shirt size. The more people who order t-shirts the less expensive they will be. I will order men's and women's shirts, so give me the sizes accordingly. 

To recap what we're going this coming week and next: 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014, is the STG Meeting. NO Rehearsal, but if you can come, we would like to introduce you to the guild and you can see what it's like there. This is NOT required in any way!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014, Choreography: Opening Scene 2 (ALL young people in the show, NO adults); Lizzie Is Coming Home (Jim, HC, Noah); Little Red Hat (Jim, Snookie)

Thursday, June 12, 2014, Choreography: A review of everything, continued polishing, and Poker Polka (Jim, File, HC, Noah)

ALSO, on Thursday, June 12, 2014, we need to know if you're interested in going Contra Dancing Friday night.

Friday, June 13, 2014 and Saturday, June 14, 2014, for those of you who expressed a desire to come to work call, but can't come on Saturday...this is your day! We are working on the set both Friday and Saturday this weekend. If we can finish construction this weekend, we can start painting...this set is going to be AWESOME!

ALSO, on Friday, June 13, 2014, if you would like to go Contra Dancing, tonight's the night! Remember to bring your $8.00. 

Monday, June 16, 2014, COSTUME PARADE and Read Through: 
We will start off with a costume parade to see everyone's costume and to assess what needs to be done. If you have accessories you want to add, bring them then, so that we can approved them. Then, we will do the long-awaited read-through. Please make every effort to be there so that you can finally get a 100% picture of what the show is about. NOTE: This rehearsal begins at 6:00 PM!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014, Sing-Through with David and Gloria and Monique (so we can discuss tempos lengths, etc...). Everyone is needed!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014, Choreography: Everything Beautiful Happens at Night Wrap Up/Polish

Thursday, June 19, 2014, Blocking Act I (leads only). 

Friday, June 20, 2014, A second opportunity to attend a work call on a day that is NOT Saturday. Also, because of the Photography, we won't be at the theatre working on the set on Saturday. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014 and Sunday, June 22, 2014: Headshot-a-pa-looza!!!

I'll give you more details about the Headshot-a-pa-looza early next week. If you have period-accurate (ish) props to bring with you, that would be awesome! We can use the picnic baskets. We might need blankets and so on. See what you can find and bring it along. 

I know, all of this seems intense, but it's not really. Seriously, this show is really coming together. Please continue to work together and work outside of the rehearsal as well as staying focused during rehearsals. You're all amazing and this combination of wonderful personalities is truly going to make this a not-to-be missed experience! 

One final note...Kenny Leon, in thanking his cast for A Raisin in the Sun, brought up a really excellent point. We all need to listen to one another and we need to be aware of ourselves and others onstage. As actors, it is of the utmost importance that you're aware of what's going on and what being said (and not said) and always be in the moment. Never forget that! 

Thank you all! 


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