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Conflicts Calendar

110 in the Shade Bio Form

Female Costume Measurement Form

Male Costume Measurement Form


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

WORK CALL: Saturday, June 28, 2014: 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. or until finished.

So close…so very close. Let's knock this out this weekend!


Saturday, June 28, 2014: 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. or until finished. 


So, here's what's left to do: 


·               The wagon will need to be finished.

·               Cardboard Molding and trim for Curry House and File's office.

·               Figure out how to fix corners of Curry House if possible.

·               Also, try to do something with the top part of the Curry house if possible (Poss. Janet)

·               Finish bandstand and attach the bunting.

·               Signs to be hung: Jail and Depot signs.

·               Hang the Chinese lanterns and set up the bandana to drop from the sky. Turn the box hung at the front of the stage so that it turns the other way.

·               Painting: EVERYTHING!

·               Once the building is finished and painted, we need to address set dressing.

·               Make two "arms" behind the proscenium on both SL and SR to hold the curtain back. I hope this will prevent anyone from having to touch the curtain to come out onto stage.

·               Hang Black legs FSL and FSR and the blue legs BSL and BSR. Might need to hang legs at CSL and CSR. 

·               Add Christmas lights onto the back of the black scrim (to make the star curtain). Use safety pins and have them go many different directions, rather than just up and down. 

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